The Steps to Ordering

Please keep in mind that $10.00 from your orders goes right to the cancer foundation. I do all my own work from my home and do everything to the best of my ability. I am not a professional by any means. I do this for the cause. Thank you for your understanding and for helping support the fight!!

Any questions feel free to contact me at:


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fighting Cancer One PoP at a Time

Welcome to Cake PoPs Unlimited!!

This is the place were you can treat yourself and fight Cancer all at the same time.

Let me explain how this all started. On 9/03/2011 my mother passed away from Esophageal Cancer stage 4. They found it in Feb of 2011 and told her it was too late. In my eyes, and I am sure in everyone's eyes, this was not good enough. For the year of 2010, they (as in the doctors) were treating her as if she had Acid Re flux or possible heart disease. And mind you she had no insurance, she was paying all these doctors and tests out of her pocket. Finally, when she couldn't eat no more and her husband had had enough of the lost weight and no answers, he took her to the ER on February 13th, and on Feb. 14th 2011 they gave her the news that would change everything.

My mother was a cake decorator. She loved to bake, sew, crochet, and do crazy puzzles. She loved people. She loved life. She was a fighter right till the end. Now, I am not going to sit here and tell you she was the perfect woman and the perfect mother, because by all means she wasn't, but she was Jerri Lepera. She was her own woman, and she was a good enough mother to me, that I am who I am today because of her.

So in the name of Love, I here by create, Cake PoPs Unlimited~~Fighting Cancer One PoP at a Time!! I promise and vow to donate $10.00 or more from every order I receive to the Cancer Foundation in your name, and if you don't have a Cancer Foundation, it will be donated to Esophageal Cancer Foundation.

You will see a tab on the pages that says Cancer wall. I am hoping to build bricks in Cancer Victims and Survivors names on this wall. We have a wall for everything else, but the for these brave souls who fight Cancer every day with a smile, with a struggle, with a hidden tear. And for the rest of us, we have to watch them. Watch them fight, and know that if we could do anything to help we would, but we can't help them physically battle the war inside. But let's stand together and we CAN fight Cancer so that our loved ones don't have to fight alone!!

Will you stand with me and fight? We need to educate and support!!